Helen here, with your one and only stop for what goes down in the scandalous lives of the fictional Upper East Side.

Derota catches Blair thinking a little too personally about Chuck. I think that the Derota/Blair relationship is one of the most interesting ones on the show. Love.

Nate is hanging out with his shirt off in someone else's house. He likes Jenny's new hair. I do not.

Blair attempts to seduce Nate after some advice by Dan. It doesn't work and Nate leaves her with the blissful parting lines, "You've wasted my time and ruined my pants".

Serena, in accordance with being the stupidest person on the show, has a crush on this douche. Perhaps you can go scarf shopping together and die a slow death in Williamsburg sipping on Pomegranate Black Tea whilst discussing the latest Radiohead album.

Blair almost succeeds with Chuck but the game catches up to them. This is, probably, even more than Jim and Pam, my favorite couple on television. LOVE.

Jenny befriends The O.C.'s Willa Holland who, apparently, in playing
Cory Kennedy. She is generally ambivalent toward her work and begins to develop and attitude toward Eleanor Waldorff. Who do you think you are Little J? It takes years of kissing ass to move up in the fashion world, haven't we seen The Devil Wears Prada? I hate this episode's delving into hipsterdom. Damnit, I hate hipsters.

Chuck thinks that Blair is going to tell him that she loves him. Look how adorably happy he looks?!?!?!?!

Blair can't say it, given that Dan is an asshole who thinks that Chuck and Blair are incapable of really loving and told her to effectually, self-destruct. Have I mentioned that I hate Dan?

Dan stops Chuck, after a distraught Blair tells him and Serena what has happened, and tells him that she does in fact love him but that he messed everything up. Easy to believe, being the failure that he is. Chuck, obviously, wants to kill a bitch.

Jenny dances around half naked while creepy would be
Cobrasnake guy takes pictures. Nate shows up and is none too pleased. On a side note, someone feed these children please.

Nate shows us that he's a man of many hobbies. He not only has sex with 40-year-old women for money, but he digs 15-year-olds with raccoon eyes. Dan's not going to like this.

Blair and Chuck tearily realize that,as they so tastily put it, Chuck and Blair cannot ever be Chuck and Blair, going to the movies and holding hands. Blair tells him that they could do the things that
they like to do. I'm assuming that means being witty, ridiculously attractive and bringing about the demise of various annoying secondary characters. Oh, and doing it in the back of limos. But Chuck makes a good point. They thrive off of the game, and they're both terrible at commitment, caring and generally just treating people the way they want to. The pressure of a title, at least for right now, might just be too much. And Chuck and Blair deserve no less than a certain happily-ever-after. So suck it Dan Humphrey and your self-righteous jibber jabber. This is what love is.
***This post PURPOSEFULLY devoid of pictures of Dan Humphrey as to protect the eyes of the innocent***