American Idol has begun yet another season amidst questions of whether the season has lost its luster.
In order to counter the effects of 8 years on the air, Idol producers have changed some key elements of the show. The biggest? The addition of 4th judge Kara. Of course there are some questions of friction, Simon has always been a bit misogynistic and what will Paula think of no longer being the only female judge?! But alas, these take a backseat to what Kara actually offers. She's an accomplished writer and singer who has some serious pipes. On a show whose sole purpose is to look for a singer, it's about time we get a singing judge. And no, Paula does not count.
How do I know she can sing? Well, beyond the fact that the media blitz preceding the season told anyone who would listen that she could, she gave us the treat of seeing it. And then came bikini girl. This mediocre, Turrets ridden? singer showed up to her audition with nothing but a bikini on. And I'll give it to her, she looked great. But girl could not handle the Mariah song she picked out. So Kara showed her how it was done. I don't see her getting past Hollywood week (which is, amazingly, in Hollywood this year!), but I guess she got what she wanted. Even I'm talking about her.
We have plenty of producer wet dreams this season, the legally blind contestant, the man taking care of his dying mother, the single mom. My money's on a plain brunette with a unique tone who Paula said reminded her of Kelly. In store we have an extra gruesome Hollywood Week, a larger semi-final batch, and the return of the wild card round! Hopefully Paula's prediction is a good portend to a return to first season glory. None of this Taylor non-sense.
Sidenote: Buy Kelly's new single "My Life Would Suck Without You" and keep it number one again on iTunes next week!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Annie and Ethan are still not doing it.
Silver and Dixon are fighting.
Navid dumped Adrianna for being pregnant.
Naomi still has Daddy issues.
The costumer on this show is still far less superior to the on on Gossip Girl.
I'm starting not to care.
I want to like it. I know now that it can never be as well-written as Gossip Girl. Not as contemporary as The O.C. Not even as touching and mildly though provoking as the original. But hey, I watched the post-Brendan AND Dylan AND Brandon years of that show and was still entertained, can't I even get that???
I think it's because I hate Annie. Shenae Grimes was annoying on Degrassi where her overacting and inability to connect with co-stars emotionally blended in with the rest of the Canadian teen stars. But against Tristan Wilds (Dixon), who is arguably the best young actor on the show, Dustin Milligan (Ethan), whose passable teenage heartthrob is at least unjarring if not groundbreaking, and the trio of adult family members, all with years of acting experience, she seems high school theater. No, she seems like that girl that got cast in high school theater because her parents were boosters and she was good at memorizing but made you want to save your pee break for her big scenes. It's bad. Real bad.
The writers must have responded to some kind of fan calling because secondary character Adrianna has suddenly taken a front seat with her pregnancy storyline. And good for her. From the looks of the CW website, Adrianna was never intended to be a major player, but writing in touch storyline---the kind that affect real teenagers, the kind that the original show tackled with zest in the wake of political and cultural non-discourse---is a great move for this sinking ship.
As is exploring the relationship between Dixon and Silver, a couple who I've always liked separately but never together. Silver, the smart, sassy (read:bitchy) blogger aptly played by a surely anorexic or drugged out Jessica Stroup, was originally posited as the anti-Valley girl. Kelly's sister and indeed, what Kelly would have been if she were as affected by her coked-out mother as she ought to have been. But this ying to the Beverly Hills yang has become cartoonish at best, annoying at worst. Loosen up. Stop yelling at everyone. Be nice to the nicest guy at West Beverley who, just so happens, to be your boyfriend. And, as if some kind people decided to watch the show and let the second rate writers know what was wrong with their plot-lines and character development, the storylines are beginning to tackle some of these problems. Dixon's through with her behavior. Mr. Matthews momentarily presented her with a consequence for her often slanderous blog. Things look on the upswing. At least I hope.
So please, make this new storyline with Annie-Theater Guy-Ethan disappear. Give me more Adrianna. Write Jessica Walters into every scene for no reason. Feed these girls some sandwiches. Thank you.
Silver and Dixon are fighting.
Navid dumped Adrianna for being pregnant.
Naomi still has Daddy issues.
The costumer on this show is still far less superior to the on on Gossip Girl.
I'm starting not to care.
I want to like it. I know now that it can never be as well-written as Gossip Girl. Not as contemporary as The O.C. Not even as touching and mildly though provoking as the original. But hey, I watched the post-Brendan AND Dylan AND Brandon years of that show and was still entertained, can't I even get that???
I think it's because I hate Annie. Shenae Grimes was annoying on Degrassi where her overacting and inability to connect with co-stars emotionally blended in with the rest of the Canadian teen stars. But against Tristan Wilds (Dixon), who is arguably the best young actor on the show, Dustin Milligan (Ethan), whose passable teenage heartthrob is at least unjarring if not groundbreaking, and the trio of adult family members, all with years of acting experience, she seems high school theater. No, she seems like that girl that got cast in high school theater because her parents were boosters and she was good at memorizing but made you want to save your pee break for her big scenes. It's bad. Real bad.
The writers must have responded to some kind of fan calling because secondary character Adrianna has suddenly taken a front seat with her pregnancy storyline. And good for her. From the looks of the CW website, Adrianna was never intended to be a major player, but writing in touch storyline---the kind that affect real teenagers, the kind that the original show tackled with zest in the wake of political and cultural non-discourse---is a great move for this sinking ship.
As is exploring the relationship between Dixon and Silver, a couple who I've always liked separately but never together. Silver, the smart, sassy (read:bitchy) blogger aptly played by a surely anorexic or drugged out Jessica Stroup, was originally posited as the anti-Valley girl. Kelly's sister and indeed, what Kelly would have been if she were as affected by her coked-out mother as she ought to have been. But this ying to the Beverly Hills yang has become cartoonish at best, annoying at worst. Loosen up. Stop yelling at everyone. Be nice to the nicest guy at West Beverley who, just so happens, to be your boyfriend. And, as if some kind people decided to watch the show and let the second rate writers know what was wrong with their plot-lines and character development, the storylines are beginning to tackle some of these problems. Dixon's through with her behavior. Mr. Matthews momentarily presented her with a consequence for her often slanderous blog. Things look on the upswing. At least I hope.
So please, make this new storyline with Annie-Theater Guy-Ethan disappear. Give me more Adrianna. Write Jessica Walters into every scene for no reason. Feed these girls some sandwiches. Thank you.
The Real World
The Real World is back to Brooklyn, just like Colin Quinn before them. This season offers, in my opinion, the most well-rounded, real cast that MTV has put together in years. It's refreshing to see elements of the social experiment that started nearly 20 years ago included instead of just drunken hook-ups and drunken fights.
Without further ado, an introduction to these housemates:

Baya is a sprightly hip-hop dancer who has moved to NY unattached and full of dancing dreams. She auditions for a hip-hop conservatory, thinks she sucked (a move I largely interpret as a safe-guard against actually not making it), gets in (a move I largely interpret as the conservatory wanting cameras around all the time), and rejects the offer (a move I largely interpret as knowing that she couldn't cut it). She has struck up a friendship/flirtation with the very involved back home Ryan and continues to exist in my mind as cool when I'm drunk but on the border of shit-talking when I'm sober.

This is Chet. Does he look gay? He's not gay. Are you accusing him of being gay because he is totally not even a little bit gay. He'll tell you all day that he isn't gay. He's the least gay man who ever wore girl pants all the time, got way too interested in a homosexual man's Magnum condoms/penis and looked into the sunset while singing a song he made gay lyrics for with another man that you will ever meet. He's really into girls. And he's really Mormon. He received the first family visit from his mother who cried over his wearing eyeliner and delighted in how nice his openly gay roommate was. "Well, that's why he's so nice." Did I mention that Chet isn't gay?

This is Robyn, and these are Robyn's tits. She can and will show them off to everyone who does and doesn't want to see them. They also double as flotation devices. Robyn has been uneventful thus far except to have a creeperish crush on one of her roomies. She says BFF way too often and I just don't trust people who make visual charts to gauge their friendship. You know, when they're not 14.

JD is one of the world's youngest dolphin trainers. He's also gay, smart, has overcome adversity and is generally just way better than you. He'll let you know. While accusing other roommates of being judgmental, he proves to be the most judgmental roommate in the house. There's also this time that he gets trashed and starts ranting about the store clerk he encountered needs to learn English. Classy. In previews he smashes through a glass table and acts better than everyone else. Drama, here we come.

If you're wondering why Katelynn looks a bit different than your typical Real World floozie, it's because post-op doesn't make you pretty. She used to be a he but after a week in Thailand her outside matches her inside. And while I understand that, and wanting to have that take place---as well as someone who would never do that can---some other people in the house don't. Namely, the Mormon and the Army kid. It's frustrating that people aren't being more accepting of those who are might be a great opportunity to educate the house and viewers about transgender issues. Katelynn also misses her boyfriend who is being non-communicative, and is remedying this by dancing on, making out with girls, and going on dates with guys without telling them that she used to be a man.

This is Ryan. I'm in love with Ryan. He just got back from a one year tour in Iraq and seems to have some underlying issues that he's determined not to let affect his everyday life. Ryan has a girlfriend back home who thinks it's "gross" that a drag queen kissed him on the lips. He also drunkenly both told Baya to get away from him because he had a girlfriend and wrote a letter to her telling her that she was his type and maybe in the future they could end up together. This can only end well. He also plays the guitar which makes girls, myself included, swoon and writes funny little songs. His immaturity looks like it's going to get on the stuck-up roommate's last nerves.

Sarah is quite possibly my favorite Real World cast member of all time. Smart and sweet, Sarah blends well with all of her roommates, dispelling tension and offering advice and a shoulder to lean on. She's being especially helpful to Katelynn as she struggles with her transgender identity. Did I mention that she's an amazing artist who is studying art therapy to help victims of sexual abuse? Girl crush.

Scott is a model. A fitness model. He had the best abs on the east coast. He is from Boston. Robyn loves him. Sorry, I can't find anything nice to say about Scott. Douuuuuuuuuche.
Without further ado, an introduction to these housemates:
Baya is a sprightly hip-hop dancer who has moved to NY unattached and full of dancing dreams. She auditions for a hip-hop conservatory, thinks she sucked (a move I largely interpret as a safe-guard against actually not making it), gets in (a move I largely interpret as the conservatory wanting cameras around all the time), and rejects the offer (a move I largely interpret as knowing that she couldn't cut it). She has struck up a friendship/flirtation with the very involved back home Ryan and continues to exist in my mind as cool when I'm drunk but on the border of shit-talking when I'm sober.
This is Chet. Does he look gay? He's not gay. Are you accusing him of being gay because he is totally not even a little bit gay. He'll tell you all day that he isn't gay. He's the least gay man who ever wore girl pants all the time, got way too interested in a homosexual man's Magnum condoms/penis and looked into the sunset while singing a song he made gay lyrics for with another man that you will ever meet. He's really into girls. And he's really Mormon. He received the first family visit from his mother who cried over his wearing eyeliner and delighted in how nice his openly gay roommate was. "Well, that's why he's so nice." Did I mention that Chet isn't gay?
This is Robyn, and these are Robyn's tits. She can and will show them off to everyone who does and doesn't want to see them. They also double as flotation devices. Robyn has been uneventful thus far except to have a creeperish crush on one of her roomies. She says BFF way too often and I just don't trust people who make visual charts to gauge their friendship. You know, when they're not 14.
JD is one of the world's youngest dolphin trainers. He's also gay, smart, has overcome adversity and is generally just way better than you. He'll let you know. While accusing other roommates of being judgmental, he proves to be the most judgmental roommate in the house. There's also this time that he gets trashed and starts ranting about the store clerk he encountered needs to learn English. Classy. In previews he smashes through a glass table and acts better than everyone else. Drama, here we come.
If you're wondering why Katelynn looks a bit different than your typical Real World floozie, it's because post-op doesn't make you pretty. She used to be a he but after a week in Thailand her outside matches her inside. And while I understand that, and wanting to have that take place---as well as someone who would never do that can---some other people in the house don't. Namely, the Mormon and the Army kid. It's frustrating that people aren't being more accepting of those who are might be a great opportunity to educate the house and viewers about transgender issues. Katelynn also misses her boyfriend who is being non-communicative, and is remedying this by dancing on, making out with girls, and going on dates with guys without telling them that she used to be a man.
This is Ryan. I'm in love with Ryan. He just got back from a one year tour in Iraq and seems to have some underlying issues that he's determined not to let affect his everyday life. Ryan has a girlfriend back home who thinks it's "gross" that a drag queen kissed him on the lips. He also drunkenly both told Baya to get away from him because he had a girlfriend and wrote a letter to her telling her that she was his type and maybe in the future they could end up together. This can only end well. He also plays the guitar which makes girls, myself included, swoon and writes funny little songs. His immaturity looks like it's going to get on the stuck-up roommate's last nerves.
Sarah is quite possibly my favorite Real World cast member of all time. Smart and sweet, Sarah blends well with all of her roommates, dispelling tension and offering advice and a shoulder to lean on. She's being especially helpful to Katelynn as she struggles with her transgender identity. Did I mention that she's an amazing artist who is studying art therapy to help victims of sexual abuse? Girl crush.
Scott is a model. A fitness model. He had the best abs on the east coast. He is from Boston. Robyn loves him. Sorry, I can't find anything nice to say about Scott. Douuuuuuuuuche.
True Beauty
In another mindless addition of to the annals of Reality Television, True Beauty occupies perfectly good television space and sucks me in with second rate judges, contestants I can't quite get into, and inane challenges. Oh but don't worry, there's plenty of Vanessa Manillo to make fun of so I'll keep watching.
So um, highlights!
The idea behind the show is that these people think they're competing in a beauty contest in order to win a spot in People's 50 Most Beautiful People issue. Well, that's a real prize but the competition is really an INNER beauty contest. GET IT?! Gosh, this is gonna be so tricky.
As you can guess, the douche bags who would enter themselves in a television beauty contest are their own brand of special.
There's Chelsea:

She gets picked on by the other idiots because she's too much of an idiot. These people obviously have pack-hunting higher-schooler syndrome and need someone to make fun of. Chelsea's it. And while she's ugly, they all are?
And Billy:

He actually looks like that. With that hat. And when he takes the hat off the hair is Zoolander spiked, as you might expect it to be. Oh. My. God.
The problem with the show it its core is that the beautiful people are actually ugly. WTF.
So, there are challenges like fashion shows and photo shoots but hidden within are tests to see whether they'll be mean or nice in certain situations. In the latest episode a wardrobe specialist working on the contestants' photo shoot gets call after call from her boyfriend and starts crying uncontrollably. If the contestants don't ask her what's wrong, they fail. What?! If someone were acting like that to me I would tell them to start doing their job. So, apparently true beauty means looking like Billy and being a pushover.
Did I mention that the show is produced by Tyra Banks and Ashton Kutcher???? It can only make total sense.
Vanessa Manillo is a judge which probably means that as well as looking like Billy and being a doormat we should have sex in hottubs with burned out boy-banders. Huh.
Next week, another contestant's dreams are crushed and ABC continues to keep the one minority contestant around in fear of appearing more than marginally racist.
So um, highlights!
The idea behind the show is that these people think they're competing in a beauty contest in order to win a spot in People's 50 Most Beautiful People issue. Well, that's a real prize but the competition is really an INNER beauty contest. GET IT?! Gosh, this is gonna be so tricky.
As you can guess, the douche bags who would enter themselves in a television beauty contest are their own brand of special.
There's Chelsea:
She gets picked on by the other idiots because she's too much of an idiot. These people obviously have pack-hunting higher-schooler syndrome and need someone to make fun of. Chelsea's it. And while she's ugly, they all are?
And Billy:
He actually looks like that. With that hat. And when he takes the hat off the hair is Zoolander spiked, as you might expect it to be. Oh. My. God.
The problem with the show it its core is that the beautiful people are actually ugly. WTF.
So, there are challenges like fashion shows and photo shoots but hidden within are tests to see whether they'll be mean or nice in certain situations. In the latest episode a wardrobe specialist working on the contestants' photo shoot gets call after call from her boyfriend and starts crying uncontrollably. If the contestants don't ask her what's wrong, they fail. What?! If someone were acting like that to me I would tell them to start doing their job. So, apparently true beauty means looking like Billy and being a pushover.
Did I mention that the show is produced by Tyra Banks and Ashton Kutcher???? It can only make total sense.
Vanessa Manillo is a judge which probably means that as well as looking like Billy and being a doormat we should have sex in hottubs with burned out boy-banders. Huh.
Next week, another contestant's dreams are crushed and ABC continues to keep the one minority contestant around in fear of appearing more than marginally racist.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
24- 8:00am-10:00 am
Jack Bauer is back and kicking some ass.
We last left Jack saving some orphans' lives in Sangala, Africa in exchange for his return to the states. We first see him getting grilled by an asshole President (played by Foreman's dad who I kept expecting to call him a dumbass curtly). Jack's not gonna apologize for his actions. Jack Bauer will make you eat your own poop and wear a tutu if it means stopping the terrorists. And he will look fine doing it. Congressman dude gets all pissy when agents from the FBI crash in on the proceedings. Apparently they need a little Jack in their lives.
And they really, really do. Turns out the shit going down in Sangala is spreading to the United States. Some rogue bad-guy dudes have abducted a computer expert who worked on a huge firewall project for the government. They're basically holding him hostage so that he can make a module that will hack into the national mainframe allowing those in possession to manipulate everything from air traffic control to the power grid. It's kind of like the plot of the latest Die Hard but with less right wing overtones and more TONY ALMEIDA. You'll recall that Jack left Tony, thinking that he was dead, with the Chinese government. Oh, well he seems to be very much alive and very much in charge of this little operation.
Thus, we get the reason that the FBI, and specifically Renee Walker (a fiesty freckled red head who you know is about to fall for Jack real bad) want to talk to Jack so badly. Turns out intelligence has gathered a security camera pic of Tony breathing and stealing and luring Jack Bauer back into being Jack Bauer. Renee asks for his help offering no guarantees but promising a good word at his hearing. Jack's hearing none of it because he just cares about saving the world. Again. This man does not shit, eat or rest. He kicks ass and takes names, do not talk to him like he's a normal person.
While in the framework of the FBI story, we are introduced to some of the organization peeps. There's the head dude who has it bad for Renee and immediately hates Jack and there are two techies who hate each other. One is a Renee lackey aptly played by Gen-Xer Janeanne Garafolo, and the other is her annoying, dick head co-worker played by some man who looked like an over chiseled muppet. This show's character development is about as translucent as a Tara Reid red carpet dress but it does the trick, we hate him. Against Stick Up His Ass's wishes Renee enlists Jack, listens to his every suggestion and under his advisement agrees to travel to Washington, warrant less to question a former CTU informant.
Meanwhile in the White House, better-than-Hilary-Clinton-ever-could-be female President Allison Taylor watches as the violence in Sangala escalates. She decides that she has to do something about it and against the advice of her Chief of Staff. Her husband offers to help quell the press and we, as viewers, are let in on the secret that no one trusts his ability to help at all so soon after his son's apparent suicide.
Renee and Jack go to the informant's apartment and when he doesn't talk right away Renee gives Jack the okay to "do whatever it takes". Well, when you're Jack Bauer that means holding a ball point pen to the dude's eyeball and looking all crazy-face. Before they can get anything out of him, he's shot by a sharp-shooter. The phone rings and it's Tony warning Jack to stay away.
The bad guys are testing the module and the FAA is unable to get a hold of one of their planes. They finally obtain audio of the plane's communication and find out that whoever has hacked in is controlling the direction that the plane is going. Under their direction, two planes nearly crash on a runway and the terrorists' point is proven; if they wanted to, they could take a lot of lives.
The FBI calls a SWAT team to the building that the sniper was on, and a sweep of the building is done. Jack gets suspicious and questions whether there is a mole in the department given the speed with which they arrived there to kill the informant. His suspicions are confirmed when he notices the sniper escaping. See, he's wearing different shoes than the rest of the SWAT drones. That Jack Bauer, he's a smart one. Because he's super sexy and Ginger wants to sex him up, she agrees to follow the sniper without telling anyone where they're going. When Stick Up His Ass Boss calls she lies to him about where they are going. So, like any creepy dude would he orders the techies to track her down using the car's GPS coordinates. Creeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppy. Jack and Renee follow the sniper to the docks where who do they find up Tony! After some bad ass Jack Bauer action, they capture Tony and wound them sniper, all as Creeper flys overhead in a helicopter. It's just like when your parents catch you making out with a boy when you're supposed to be studying except Jack tourtures people and Renee wears really nice pants suits.
The President orders a press conference announcing that the United States is meaning with Sangala Prime Minister Matobo and intends to protect the citizens from General Juma, even if that means military action. Informed about the near miss, the President calls an emergency meeting with Homeland Security. We then see the module being shown to the same Commander of Juma's army whose brother Jack killed. This could get hairy.
The First Man is on a mission to talk to his dead son's ex-girlfriend---that girl from Popular who wasn't in Skulls or fat or married to Mellisa Etheridge---because he believes that he was actually murdered and that she knows more than she's saying. His right hand Secret Service agent makes a call to the Chief of Staff without his knowing and tells him that he thinks the First Man is not in the right state of mind.
Jack Bauer is back and kicking some ass.
We last left Jack saving some orphans' lives in Sangala, Africa in exchange for his return to the states. We first see him getting grilled by an asshole President (played by Foreman's dad who I kept expecting to call him a dumbass curtly). Jack's not gonna apologize for his actions. Jack Bauer will make you eat your own poop and wear a tutu if it means stopping the terrorists. And he will look fine doing it. Congressman dude gets all pissy when agents from the FBI crash in on the proceedings. Apparently they need a little Jack in their lives.
And they really, really do. Turns out the shit going down in Sangala is spreading to the United States. Some rogue bad-guy dudes have abducted a computer expert who worked on a huge firewall project for the government. They're basically holding him hostage so that he can make a module that will hack into the national mainframe allowing those in possession to manipulate everything from air traffic control to the power grid. It's kind of like the plot of the latest Die Hard but with less right wing overtones and more TONY ALMEIDA. You'll recall that Jack left Tony, thinking that he was dead, with the Chinese government. Oh, well he seems to be very much alive and very much in charge of this little operation.
Thus, we get the reason that the FBI, and specifically Renee Walker (a fiesty freckled red head who you know is about to fall for Jack real bad) want to talk to Jack so badly. Turns out intelligence has gathered a security camera pic of Tony breathing and stealing and luring Jack Bauer back into being Jack Bauer. Renee asks for his help offering no guarantees but promising a good word at his hearing. Jack's hearing none of it because he just cares about saving the world. Again. This man does not shit, eat or rest. He kicks ass and takes names, do not talk to him like he's a normal person.
While in the framework of the FBI story, we are introduced to some of the organization peeps. There's the head dude who has it bad for Renee and immediately hates Jack and there are two techies who hate each other. One is a Renee lackey aptly played by Gen-Xer Janeanne Garafolo, and the other is her annoying, dick head co-worker played by some man who looked like an over chiseled muppet. This show's character development is about as translucent as a Tara Reid red carpet dress but it does the trick, we hate him. Against Stick Up His Ass's wishes Renee enlists Jack, listens to his every suggestion and under his advisement agrees to travel to Washington, warrant less to question a former CTU informant.
Meanwhile in the White House, better-than-Hilary-Clinton-ever-could-be female President Allison Taylor watches as the violence in Sangala escalates. She decides that she has to do something about it and against the advice of her Chief of Staff. Her husband offers to help quell the press and we, as viewers, are let in on the secret that no one trusts his ability to help at all so soon after his son's apparent suicide.
Renee and Jack go to the informant's apartment and when he doesn't talk right away Renee gives Jack the okay to "do whatever it takes". Well, when you're Jack Bauer that means holding a ball point pen to the dude's eyeball and looking all crazy-face. Before they can get anything out of him, he's shot by a sharp-shooter. The phone rings and it's Tony warning Jack to stay away.
The bad guys are testing the module and the FAA is unable to get a hold of one of their planes. They finally obtain audio of the plane's communication and find out that whoever has hacked in is controlling the direction that the plane is going. Under their direction, two planes nearly crash on a runway and the terrorists' point is proven; if they wanted to, they could take a lot of lives.
The FBI calls a SWAT team to the building that the sniper was on, and a sweep of the building is done. Jack gets suspicious and questions whether there is a mole in the department given the speed with which they arrived there to kill the informant. His suspicions are confirmed when he notices the sniper escaping. See, he's wearing different shoes than the rest of the SWAT drones. That Jack Bauer, he's a smart one. Because he's super sexy and Ginger wants to sex him up, she agrees to follow the sniper without telling anyone where they're going. When Stick Up His Ass Boss calls she lies to him about where they are going. So, like any creepy dude would he orders the techies to track her down using the car's GPS coordinates. Creeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppy. Jack and Renee follow the sniper to the docks where who do they find up Tony! After some bad ass Jack Bauer action, they capture Tony and wound them sniper, all as Creeper flys overhead in a helicopter. It's just like when your parents catch you making out with a boy when you're supposed to be studying except Jack tourtures people and Renee wears really nice pants suits.
The President orders a press conference announcing that the United States is meaning with Sangala Prime Minister Matobo and intends to protect the citizens from General Juma, even if that means military action. Informed about the near miss, the President calls an emergency meeting with Homeland Security. We then see the module being shown to the same Commander of Juma's army whose brother Jack killed. This could get hairy.
The First Man is on a mission to talk to his dead son's ex-girlfriend---that girl from Popular who wasn't in Skulls or fat or married to Mellisa Etheridge---because he believes that he was actually murdered and that she knows more than she's saying. His right hand Secret Service agent makes a call to the Chief of Staff without his knowing and tells him that he thinks the First Man is not in the right state of mind.
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