Without further ado, an introduction to these housemates:
Baya is a sprightly hip-hop dancer who has moved to NY unattached and full of dancing dreams. She auditions for a hip-hop conservatory, thinks she sucked (a move I largely interpret as a safe-guard against actually not making it), gets in (a move I largely interpret as the conservatory wanting cameras around all the time), and rejects the offer (a move I largely interpret as knowing that she couldn't cut it). She has struck up a friendship/flirtation with the very involved back home Ryan and continues to exist in my mind as cool when I'm drunk but on the border of shit-talking when I'm sober.
This is Chet. Does he look gay? He's not gay. Are you accusing him of being gay because he is totally not even a little bit gay. He'll tell you all day that he isn't gay. He's the least gay man who ever wore girl pants all the time, got way too interested in a homosexual man's Magnum condoms/penis and looked into the sunset while singing a song he made gay lyrics for with another man that you will ever meet. He's really into girls. And he's really Mormon. He received the first family visit from his mother who cried over his wearing eyeliner and delighted in how nice his openly gay roommate was. "Well, that's why he's so nice." Did I mention that Chet isn't gay?
This is Robyn, and these are Robyn's tits. She can and will show them off to everyone who does and doesn't want to see them. They also double as flotation devices. Robyn has been uneventful thus far except to have a creeperish crush on one of her roomies. She says BFF way too often and I just don't trust people who make visual charts to gauge their friendship. You know, when they're not 14.
JD is one of the world's youngest dolphin trainers. He's also gay, smart, has overcome adversity and is generally just way better than you. He'll let you know. While accusing other roommates of being judgmental, he proves to be the most judgmental roommate in the house. There's also this time that he gets trashed and starts ranting about the store clerk he encountered needs to learn English. Classy. In previews he smashes through a glass table and acts better than everyone else. Drama, here we come.
If you're wondering why Katelynn looks a bit different than your typical Real World floozie, it's because post-op doesn't make you pretty. She used to be a he but after a week in Thailand her outside matches her inside. And while I understand that, and wanting to have that take place---as well as someone who would never do that can---some other people in the house don't. Namely, the Mormon and the Army kid. It's frustrating that people aren't being more accepting of those who are ignorant...it might be a great opportunity to educate the house and viewers about transgender issues. Katelynn also misses her boyfriend who is being non-communicative, and is remedying this by dancing on, making out with girls, and going on dates with guys without telling them that she used to be a man.
This is Ryan. I'm in love with Ryan. He just got back from a one year tour in Iraq and seems to have some underlying issues that he's determined not to let affect his everyday life. Ryan has a girlfriend back home who thinks it's "gross" that a drag queen kissed him on the lips. He also drunkenly both told Baya to get away from him because he had a girlfriend and wrote a letter to her telling her that she was his type and maybe in the future they could end up together. This can only end well. He also plays the guitar which makes girls, myself included, swoon and writes funny little songs. His immaturity looks like it's going to get on the stuck-up roommate's last nerves.
Sarah is quite possibly my favorite Real World cast member of all time. Smart and sweet, Sarah blends well with all of her roommates, dispelling tension and offering advice and a shoulder to lean on. She's being especially helpful to Katelynn as she struggles with her transgender identity. Did I mention that she's an amazing artist who is studying art therapy to help victims of sexual abuse? Girl crush.
Scott is a model. A fitness model. He had the best abs on the east coast. He is from Boston. Robyn loves him. Sorry, I can't find anything nice to say about Scott. Douuuuuuuuuche.
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