So You Think You Can Dance Top 20!
(the ones that I like)
(the ones that I like)
Mollee Gray (18) Jazz
Too precious for words, Mollee has the proper pedigree for a sugary-sweet teen star. She worked as a back-up dancer in the High School Musical movies and comes from a low-income, high hope tight knit family (Selena Gomez anyone?) She's 18 but seems 15 which is pretty endearing in a day and age when my knowledge of what the kids are up to is comprised of blow-job references I hear on NYC Prep. She seems genuinely excited to be there. Plus, watching her try to be all sexy in Latin Ballroom will be a delicious, delicious train wreck.
Ellenore Scott (19) Contemporary
So, she spells her name like that, which I would typically make fun of. And she has that awesome picture above, which I would typically make fun of. BUT, she's totally spot of with her technique. And she did something that no other girl has ever attempted to do: SHE WAS FUNNY. You may remember her audition that I posted a few weeks ago...the one in which she shook her little tush and looked at it like my dog looks at his backside after he farts. Hilar. I love her.
Krump dancing makes me want to punch someone and put one eyebrow up afterward, looking at them for a really long time like, "Yeah bitch, I just punched you. Do something about it. Ass. Face." Or something like that. He happens to be really good at most other styles too. He says that he has no formal training, and I think that he's full of a little thing that I like to call bullshit. But what the hell, lying never hurt you in show business.
Nathan Trasoras (18) Contemporary
There is not a picture (available on the internet at the time of publishing) that is capable of conveying how hot Nathan is. He's only 18 but I think he might love me IRL, just like that episode of Ally McBeal where Ally dates James Marsden and they play baseball at the end of the episode and she feels young again, just one more time. One last time. The boy can move. Will definately capture the teenage fangirl vote (AKA AllofTheVote)
I am, however, super bummed that my fav contestant of the show the entire time chose not to continue. The judges asked Paula Van Oppen to be on the show, but she had to decline.
Ms. Paula had to go film Burlesque with Diva Christina and Diva Cher and Diva Julianne Hough (maybe not that last one, but she does have a banging body, and I do have to give props to anyone with balls enough to film a ProActiv commercial). It's a huge opportunity, and she really does have star power. Good luck Paula, I hope you can catch a few episodes. I know I will.
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