The US version of the UK nuthouse that is the Big Brother house premiered its eleventh installment last week. The big twist this season, or the first rather, is that the house will be split into cliques--The Brains, The Athletes, The Popular, The Offbeats. The BB house got to vote their housemates into the corresponding cliques and they pretty much hit the nail on the head, causing the producers no big mix-ups. The other big change included in the twist? If a castmember's cliquemate becomes the HOH, no one in the clique can put up for elimination. Interesting in cases where cliques do not like each other or are not aligned in voting. After the cliques were selected, the first HOH competition took place. But there was another twist in store. The team, and individual that won, would not get to be the HOH. Instead, there were 4 former BB castmembers waiting off screen; if their clique won, they got to go into the house. They also got to be the first HOH. In the end, roidhead Jesse from last season got back into the house on the Athlete's team. Uhhh.
So, who do we have this season?

Braden is a self-described surfer dude from Dana Point, California. Braden's bio says that his hobbies are sleeping and talking to girls. He also says that he's very intelligent. Hmmm. I think not. So far in the house, he has displayed an astounding lack on smarts, been annoying, checked himself out lots, called another housemate a beaner (dude is half black, half Japanese), and got kicked out.

Jordan is a 22-year-old blonde from the south. She's not breaking any barriers in the brains category. She seems to be very attached to Jeff and if her alliance makes it anywhere near the end, it seems that she's coast along by cuddling. I hate that shit. Also, she had the nerve to complain that Lydia was "ruining the house" by making power plays. That's the game, honey. Go home if you don't like it.

Laura has huge boobs. She's the requisite boob girl in the house and at one point complains that it's "not her fault that she has huge boobs". I'm not medical expert but I think that it might be a voluntary procedure to get breast implants. Chick's growing on me though. Seems to be a classic under-the-radar with a brain player. Winning potential.
Casey- Offbeat

Old guy alert! Each season BB has an old guy who will usually get at least half-way as long as there are other warring factions in the house. Lucky for Casey, there are. See, while the other people pick each other off, Casey will continue to be the swing vote until only one alliance remains. At that point hopefully he's aligned himself with the stronger half of the sub-alliance. Potential winner.
Lydia- Offbeat

I liked Lydia when she came into the house. Atypical and friendly to the gay dude, she's my kind of girl. She's also smart. She's playing the game from all angles and doing it well, even talking her way off of the chopping block. Unfortunately, she performed unnamed acts on the HOH in order to get there. Ick nast. No much game play too soon does not a BB champ make.

Kevin of the many scarves and ridic sunglasses and super-homo sass. How I love thee. Kevin describes himself as Blackanese because he's half-black and half-Japanese. It seems that the only person who Kevin has aligned himself with though is Lydia, and she's not even telling him of her schemes. I don't think Kevin will make it to the end.

Oh, Jessie. Your 18 inch arms will never make up for how tiny your penis has gotten after years of steroid. It's sad, really. As the first HOH, Jessie made himself hated by all but 5 people in the house, messed around with a girl in the house and kicked out a physical threat. I don't like him but he's not dumb. People will go after this accomplices before him which is a good angle to play. I predict he'll go far in the game.

Natalie is an 18-year-old girl who's been to the junior olympics for Tae Kwan Do. Her master scheme was to tell people she was 24 to throw them off. No one bought it. If the athletes don't keep winning HOH competitions, she's going to go home. Dumb, dumb, girl.
Russel- Athlete

Russel is a douche with a capital DOUCHE. He thinks that he's running the house, which is funny because everyone hates him. I'd say he has one of the largest targets on his back. By portraying himself as the brains of the athlete organization, Russell has absolved HOH Jessie of any guilt. Plus, he calls himself "Russell the Love Muscle" which makes me automatically hate him.

Jeff may have just made the smartest move possible in this game. He went against his alliance and instead aligned himself with a group of people from other alliances. See, the other 3 people on his team can't vote him out. And now he's got like 4 other people who just plain won't. His chances of going up on the block are just so darn small. Smart cookie. If I were the other athletes I'd try to get a person I was aligned with outside of the alliance to put him up OR throw the HOH competition so that he would win and be forced to choose sides. This one just may win.

Chima is a drama queen, which made me roundly dislike her at first. Then came her live television call out of racist Braden and I started to like her a whole lot more--even with her nasty top lip. It will be interesting to see what happens after Chima is back in the house, knowing that her cliquemate(s) voted for her to go home.

Michele is no doubt book smart. She's a neuroscientist and intelligently told the house that she simply "works with lab rats". But like so many book smart people she's just people dumb. She hasn't aligned herself with anyone but Ronnie and he's totally playing her. In fact she's the only one dumb enough to be played by him. Sigh, what a bad name for nerds everywhere.

Ronnie. Even his name is annoying. He's the kind of player who thinks that he's working everyone over when in fact he's neither charming nor cunning enough to persuade anyone. He says that he's a national champion in persuasive speaking but, honey, getting on stage in your father's oversized suit in high school to detail why the legal drinking age ought to stay the same is not the same as interacting with other human beings. In real like people are off-put by yout turrets-like physical ticks and huge gut and weird personal space bubble. In real life, being witty and charming is far better social capital than knowing a lot about Star Wars. And Ronnie, I don't care how many times you point to your wedding ring. You're totally gay.
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