Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Big Brother Live Blog

9:03 My two favorites to win are up for eviction. Hmmm.

9:04 Jordan-"It sucks because I think that I'm the only one here smart enough to beat him. No offense. Jordan-"You're right."

9:06 Ronnie is so oddly shaped. "We're back in control." Like you won't be the first one voted out???

9:08 Russel the douche has a douche mustache.

9:09 Russel is screaming at Lydia. Oh shiz. She's leaving the room to go cry.

9:15 Ronnie comforting anyone is soooooo awkward. Lydia having a conversation about backdooring with two gay dudes (yes, Ronnie is totes gay) is hilarious.

9:18 Is Jordan really this stupid? Sadly, I think so. What is 60/4 dumbass???

9:23 I want Ronnie to backdoor Russel so badly. *Wink*

9:27 Oh good, Lydia took her shirt off to host the veto competition.

9:29 At this point it's basically 3 vs. 3. Natalie and Russel will not take anyone off the block and Ronnie won't have the balls.

9:30 Way to throw the competition Ronnie. And Natalie. Ronnie is eliminated from the competition first...also, he used to be a manager of a movie theater. Big surprise.

9:34 Jeff wins again and Laura gets eliminated. Shit. 9:36 Natalie wins, takes a bag (good strategic move) and Casey gets eliminated. Now Jeff's all alone. This hit is getting good!

9:39 Jeff wins!

9:44 Kevin noming a chicky nugget discussing backdooring Russel. Laura lies to Ronnie telling him that she won't put him up. Hilarious that Ronnie thinks that Russ would be a potential ally. Heeeelllllllllll no.

9:54 Russel keeps refering to himself as "The Shotgun". Uh. Jeff takes himself off. Duh. And the moment of truth.......He puts up Jordan. ????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He'll never be able to beat Russel and he'll hear about all of it tonight and get voted off as soon as they don't need his vote. D-U-M-B.

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