For Better or Worse
With summer leaving a major lull in scripted programming, I thought I'd make some fun little lists to fill the time. I must confess, I'm also totally influenced by holing up in my New Jersey love nest with my very own Desmond. So, here goes---the best, and worst, T.V. couples. (Couples had to exist on a show that was currently on the air, currently be a couple--or on and off so frequently that they might presumably be on again next week--and only one couple from each show was allowed in each category. This was good for Grey's which would have had alot of bad couples and bad for FNL whose couples are full of win.)Best:
The boob tube's thematic juggernaut uses this couple as its biggest chess piece when it comes to the issue of destiny. Penny, an heiress with a heart of gold, falls for the charming boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Although, dear old dad, the United kingdom military, a magical island and the space-time continuum try to keep them apart, these two find a way to be together. And create beautiful children by the way. Desmond's devotion to their love is the only thing that makes waiting ten years for a phone call make sense.
Blair is the bitchiest, most conniving girl on TV. Her counterpart is quite simply a Mother Chucker. The two of them together are an unstoppable due and even succeed in melting each other's ice cold hearts. Blair is tender and doting with Chuck. Chuck is open and honest with Blair. The question remains as to whether societal and inner demons will intrude on their love but for the time being, they're together. Accessories never found bigger fans.

These two are the most despicable, vapid and self-congratulatory couple on television. Alone they are a spoon-fed megalomaniac and empty faith spewing bimbo respectively. Together they are everything that is wrong with youth and entertainment in this day and age. Spencer is frighteningly close to descriptions of controlling abusive boyfriend/managers and Heidi is ready at any moment to throw her loved ones and self-respect under the bus to appease the beast. They're just the worst.
All of the talk on DH about whether or not Susan and Mike are meant to be together is pretty silly to me. The relationship never made sense to me in the first place. The down-home, ex-con, workaholic Mike paired with the insipid, needy and ungracious Susan. Then, after so many mishaps, seemingly saintly Mike actually marries Susan. Flashforward years and Mike has dumped Susan on her ass for not being able to get over committing vehicular manslaughter? It hasn't even been a year buddy and are we forgetting about that nasty drug addiction she put up with? Uh, just go away already.
Hey Meredith, shut up about McDreamy already. And while you're at it, stop whining. The fact that this show has garnered success by creating their romantic cornerstone from a caddish, insensitive cheater having an affair with his attractive and reasonable wife with one of his much younger and much more emotionally insecure residents is pretty much sickening to me. If you're going to steal someone's husband, at least make sure he's the guy that you want to be with. And if he's cheating on you, don't be surprised. How do you think you got into this situation in the first place?
I take it back. Spencer and Heidi do not even register on the annoyance scale like these two do. Take two terribly headstrong, Type-A personalities who have the unfortunate attributes of also making awful decisions, and you get Jake and Kate. Now, put them on a crazy island where they're for some ridiculous reason in charge and making life-or-death decisions daily. Not good news people. I often dream of a world where Kate died in the season finale instead of Juliet and Jack was offed by the smoke monster in the pilot like he was originally intended to be. These two really are the worst.
Listening to Dan and Serena talk is like watching your druggie cousin Kyle talk to a caged squirrel while on Quaaludes. Dan, twittering on about how morally superior he is to everyone else with the forced pithiness of Dawson Leery, and Serena elongating her vowels to the point of insanity and fooling no one while supplanting hair whips with hard wit. By all accounts, whenever S is free to be herself she resorts to mockery and alcoholism. Dan, on the other hand, is a insecure bottom-to-top elitist who prefers to brood in his Brooklyn apartment rather than socialize and shop. Plus, they're about to be brother and sister which is pretty icky.
What do you think? Did I leave anyone out?
Dan/Serena > Chuck/Blair
False. False, false, false, false, false.
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