There really are no words when it comes to describing the aesthetics found on Daisy of Love, the painfully self-promotional VH1 reality dating show starring Rock of Love cast off and former Bret Michaels bedfellow Daisy De la Hoya. De la Hoya looks like a real like blow up doll in every shot, from her fish-faced makeout scenes to the awkward and stilted personal interview shots (remember when you were in elementary school and the teacher called on that one kid who really ought not be reading aloud in class and you took yourself to your happy place in order not to be listening to the reading anymore? That's kind of what it's like seeing Daisy read producers' prompts).
And beyond the surface of things, it doesn't get much better. Contestants on the show seem dull at best and are more concerned with displaying their machismo and maintaining the attitude that only black and leather accessories can only purvey than exhibiting any degree of intelligence. And when a house full of meatheads with nicknames such as 12-Pack (yes, that 12-Pack---the one who has attempted to hook-up with New York and was successful with Daisy's reality show enemy Heather) and Flex call you stupid, it's fair to say that the audience viewing at home can't even understand what you're saying. I'm looking at you Fox.
What is most upsetting about the show is its promulgation of classic gender tropes. I know that it's VH1. I know that it's Celebreality. I know that Daisy is doing this to herself in order to promote a music career that will most likely never happen. But it just would have been nice to have the blowup doll have a secret brain compartment. Instead, every episode we are privy to Daisy getting more and more attracted to philandering, offensive males only interested in her because of her double-E's and the screen time they can wean from her. I also wish that there was a counter to that. I wish that there was one man in the house that I believed was there because of any reason other than these two. There isn't, and the producers are to blame but at this point Daisy could pull a Madonna---a veritable college girl working the pole to put her way through medical school---and play them all for air-time. She hasn't, and honestly, I don't believe that she will. I guess there's only one way to find out. Tune in next week---Daisy will surely fall further and further for Fox---did I mention that he has a live-in girlfriend? Sigh. I guess her boobs were too big to burn a bra anyhow.
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