It’s Fashion Week again... didn’t we just have Fashion Week on this show? God, working in fashion is so fun! Whitney is toiling away in her closet at People’s Revolution, changing her line to try and streamline the collection of lace legging-pants and mumu dresses after getting shot down by Joe Zee and Anne Slowey last week. It’s a tough life for the emerging fashion designer, especially since she isn’t showing this season. That’s sad. Even the Sachika twins got to show at fashion week… I’m hoping that Whit said tents or nothing this year. So, since she can’t have her own show she’s going to attend as many shows as possible and prove to all those meanies that she really is somebody, she’s an important designer with a vision and a sketch book and everything!
But Debbie Downer Kelly Cutrone comes along and says, “Whit, if you’re not in the first 3 rows, you ain’t nobody.” And Whitney protests, but she’s wrong — so wrong. After the third row there are a few more assigned rows for losers with less than stellar readership and fallen society gals but then people can buy the tickets. Whitney, you don’t want to sit with people who would buy their own tickets. While Kelly’s there she asks Whitney to work on a big huge fashion show in the big huge tent for some big huge designer who makes clothes that no one would ever wear. But Roxy has moxie and pipes up that she wants to help with the show. “Put me in coach! I’ve been practicin’ all summer!” Kelly agrees and matter of factly tells Roxy that if she screws up she’s fired and I believe her because she’s Kelly Cutrone and her balls are bigger than Joe Zee’s could ever be.
Speaking of, the powers that be at Elle are gearing up for Fashion Week which is a huge deal seeing as they work at a fashion magazine. Everyone sits at the Elle oversized table and they talk about combing the city and hectic schedules and shows and Olivia getting a Marc Jacobs exclusive interview. At this point, if Olivia’s job were real, she would have already been fired. But on the unlikely chance that they had kept her on up to this point, this assignment would be the make-it-or-break it Kelly Cutrone job-threat moment. But Olivia is confident-ish and everyone has to scuttle off to their fashion week assignments and dig up some huge, earth-shattering news.
The fateful Marc by Marc Jacobs show happens and lo and behold, Olivia doesn’t come through with the interview. But she’s been touting her connections this whole time! She keeps talking about being friends with Marc! They both go to lunch and pretend to eat and then Marc gets a piggyback ride home from his beautiful Adonis of a boyfriend. To be fair, Olivia does get to go backstage. It’s her cameraman who gets rejected. What?! You have to clear press coverage for backstage interviews with a major designer at Fashion Week ahead of time?! Olivia apparently had no idea as a super-important accessories editor and when she meekly says, “Can Elle come?,” as if Elle is a homely girl she promised could get into a nightclub she frequents but gets left on the street desolate and pudgy, it’s kind of sad. Mostly for the cameraman in glasses who is left to actually stand outside desolate and pudgy until Olivia reemerges from the tents to tell him to just go home.
At the next fashion show Whitney scores front row tickets from her Berdorff buyer friend with the gap in her tooth and her whole life is validated. Kelly asks Roxy if she would rather be at that show instead of working the show for People’s Revolution and she responds that she’d rather be learning, which is a pretty responsible thing to say, especially if you’re Roxy Olin.
The weird People’s Rev show goes off without a hitch and Roxy even gets to stand in the booth next to Kelly, echoing place calls and lighting cues in a frightened whisper/scream that she’s trying to affect with power. Whitney, I’m sure, does that thing that people do at fashion shows where they follow the Amazon walking down the aisle as if they were a dog watching cars pass, leaning over every so often to say, “Sleek” or “That falls really well on her body.” Then backstage Whit and buyer girl run into beautiful English Rose/Olivia’s would-be replacement Louise. In the tackiest of all moments, buyer girl asks Louise, “Do you date Freddy Facklemeyer?” Well, person I’ve never seen before and who has probably just spotted me in Facebook photos, I did date Freddy Facklemeyer in the past. And with that Whitney adds, “I used to date Freddy too.” It reminded me of being at a party where a cute, popular boy is talking to a group of people about going to a U2 concert and I blurt out, “I like U2, too,” even though I don’t really like U2 and it’s not appropriate to mention it at all. But who can blame Whit? This Louise is like six feet tall and wearing a fur vest and has an accent. And she’s a jet-setting fashion journalist and is really, really nice to boot! Even I’m in love!
By fortuitous circumstance, Louise is also at the next show that Erin and Joe Zee attend and she’s just as charming and adorable. She sits down in a seat labeled AnnaLynne McCord and chats with the two about her work as an international cutie-pie and convinces them — without being pushy at all — that she’s an amazing replacement for Olivia, who happens to have slept in. They ask her off-the-cuff to do a backstage interview for and when we see her cracking jokes to Badgley and Mischka about disco-wear and “boobs and butts” (that sounds so much more classy with a British accent!), it’s obvious that poor Olivia, who has squeaked in the back door with wet rat hair and droopy eyes, is getting outgunned.
Because of this and many former offenses, Erin recommends that Elle make Louise the face of, and something be done about Olivia. Dun, dun dun!!!!!!!!!! The consolation prize for Whitney is that she gets asked by Maybelline to show at Miami Fashion Week, which is kind of like not making the basketball team but being asked to be the manager. Roxy’s being sent down to manage the show for People’s Revolution, which might spell out Kelly Cutrone keeping good on her promise to fire Roxy’s ugly eyebrows.
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